Buck Angel is more than just a film maker, or author, or motivational speaker. Mr Angel, as the MB team likes to say with no small degree of respect, is quite simply, an inspiration.

His appearance here on Monday last has to be one of our favourite in-store appearances yet and he gave over 50 locals a compelling evening of film, talk, understanding, and community. The new documentary, Mr Angel, a recent winner at the Seattle Film Festival, gave us all a much deeper understanding of Buck's life experience, particularly from the view of his family.
It is rare to hear the voices of family and friends in such open and honest ways - especially when connected with such a public personality. We highly recommend viewing of the documentary (it's available on Netflix amongst other sources) for anyone and everyone wanting to know more about transgender experiences, or the process of transitioning. And allies? This is a must-see.
There are so many questions answered in unexpected and heartfelt ways. One of the great joys of having Buck in-store was his willingness not only to share, but to talk on-on-one with our community about his experience, and to hear the stories of others. There were more than a few folks in the audience that have told us how important and special it was for them to connect to Buck in person.

Image credit Collide Magazine
For the first time we found our audience were not just individuals and friends, but families - those who want to love and support the trans men and women in their lives. Buck managed to highlight the challenges faced by families in beautifully honest ways and it left an impression on us all.
We'd like to thank Buck, Bruce and the MB team (who worked SO hard on the day), our standing-room-only crowd and Collide Magazine for covering the event. And watch this space because we'll have news soon on their Buck Angel competition.