UPDATE: Since publishing this post we have now launched our new website and Afterpay and Zip Pay ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE TOO!!! And now back to our regularly scheduled blog post...
Sooooo are you feeling totally touch-deprived? Cos we are. This is a bloody weird ol’ time, and it would be really nice to have a cuddle BUT WE CAN’T! It feels awful to be single right now, and quarantining with someone isn’t always easy, but let’s try to look for some silver linings hey? This might just be the time to really get intimate with yourself or your partner/s, and learn some new things about each other and yourself.
Now, we’re not saying you need toys to do this, but why not treat yourself cos what else ya gonna do? Plus, orgasms boost your immune system and that is nothing to sneeze (into your elbow) at. But how to get those goodies without bridging the two-metre gap? Well, as always, Max would never want to leave someone in the sex toy lurch, so we’ve got a whole bunch of ways for you to shop that doesn’t involve leaving the house.

Stuck in a quarantine bubble? Worried about Exposure? Just CBF leaving home?
Don’t worry, the Maxxies have got you. We’re looking at expanding our ways to shop constantly, with more to-your-door services on the horizon. So keep checking in for updates on how to stay sexy, safe, and satisfied without breaking iso!
For now, here’s how you can shop with us:
- Shop Online, it’s open 24/7 – Shop online with us now, from wherever, for whoever! Send yourself or your babe/s some cute pressies. We’re all worth it.
- Over the phone with Zip Pay – So little time, so many amazing toys: we just can’t keep up getting them all online! If you have your heart set on something, give us a buzz and we can get you packed, wrapped, and consensually posted on the day.
- Call & Collect – Look, we know we shouldn’t be out and about, but we also know that when you need more lube you really need more lube. Give us a bell, we can pop your products behind the counter, and you can duck in, tap, and go!
- Can’t find what you’re after online? – We have so much more in-store! If you can’t get what you want online, give us a ring-a-ling and we’ll organise your order for you over the phone.
- We are still open! – If you do feel you’re able to leave the house safely, our doors are still open. Please be considerate of how you shop in store and interact with others outside and on the floor.
If you just can’t stay away we are, until further notice STILL OPEN on King St. Plus we now have Afterpay AND Zip Pay at our King Street store! THAT’S RIGHT CUTIES! Buy now and pay later is a reality only a hop-skip-and a jump away.
Just to clarify:
In-Store: Zip Pay and Afterpay
Over the Phone: Zip Pay
Online: Coming very soon!
With the launch of our new website just around the corner, we’ll have delivery and buying options coming at ya out the wazoo. Until then if you can wriggle your booties in-store or online we can sort you out the ol’ fashioned way: cold hard cash or debit card. You know, like they did in the old country.
If you’re having any problems, got some questions or qualms, or just wanna chew the fat, call us on 02 9557 0122.
With love always,
MB xxx