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Valentine's Day Gift Guide Roll Out
So many toys, so little time, aye? Well we’re always here with that loving, helping hand to take you on a romantic and sensual journey... Read moreWhat is Pre-Orgasmic?
What does pre-orgasmic mean? What's going on? Why does this happen? And most importantly why there is NO shame in being pre-orgasmic! Read moreLubricant: a manifesto
Read on to find out more about different lubricants and what you need to consider when buying so you can live your best lubed up life. Read moreSelf-Care in 2020 (lol)
HAHAHAHAHA well f*ck 2020, you got us mate, you got us good. Read moreA Quickie On How To Clean Your Sex Toys
All that seems to be talked about these days is COVID-19, and understandably, as it has changed everything about our world, our way of living,... Read moreBinder Safety
No piece of clothing will universally signify an identity, gender, or sex, but for many it can help them feel more affirmed in how they... Read moreyour cart
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